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The Erin Peterson Fund was formed May 9, 2007. Thousands of cards, gifts and monetary donations came to us from all over the United States. We were so honored and humbled that it became obvious that we should use this outpouring of love to set up a non-profit fund to keep Erin’s name and dreams alive.

Through the support of Westfield High School, Erin’s alma mater, and our Centreville, Virginia, community, we presented two scholarships in June 2007: the Erin Peterson Leadership Award and the Erin Peterson Commit to Excel Award.


Since 2007 we continue to present scholarships each year not only to Westfield High School but schools throughout Fairfax and Loudoun county, to recipients who meet the criteria. These unique awards were established to help ensure student success and to let them know we are interested and committed to their future and Erin's legacy.


Through proceeds from the Erin Peterson Golf Tournament, the Erin Peterson Gospel Celebration and many generous donors we will continue to partner with high schools and the Westfield High School Young Men's Leadership group –a program established to support at-risk teens.

Erin accepted no limitations when it came to helping those in need. The Erin Peterson Fund is 100% donor dependent. Our goal is to endow the fund so Erin’s legacy is guaranteed to live on. We ask for your generous support so that the dreams Erin had for herself may come true for others.

"We believe no child should go to school hungry and every child gets an opportunity for a full education."

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

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